As promised, here is the latest news when it comes to the mission: Nothing has happened. It’s been a rather uneventful summer, as far as Lost is concerned. I carry the poster around with me everywhere I go in the hopes that fate would send anyone from the Lost universe my way. I even carry two Sharpies in my pocket. I’ve sent several e-mails to numerous famous (at least amongst us fans) bloggers for some tips, and though they’ve all been cordial and helpful, I still came up fruitless.
A couple years ago I went to a record store, not really looking for anything in particular, when I hear a familiar voice by the cashier. Who was it? I kept asking myself that for about 90 seconds when I realized it would have sounded a whole lot more familiar if the man had said, “Previously, on Lost.” It was none other than producer, and co-creator Carlton Cuse. It’s because of that moment that I carry around my poster everywhere I go.
I was walking my dog with my sister and decided to take a different route since the sun was not only in our eyes the whole time, but it was sweltering out. My neighborhood is usually a quiet one. The neighbors keep to themselves, friendly but keeps to themselves. Other than people who live adjacent to us, we really don’t know too many people on our street. One day, my sister and I saw one of our neighbors watering the plants on his front lawn. He smiled at my dog (a regular response with the young pup) and said hi to us. It was none other than Sam Anderson (who plays Bernard Nadler). That’s just another reason to carry that poster wherever I go.
But what can I say? When you come face to face with someone in the cast, you just freeze. I have faltered but have not fallen. I assure you, I will get this done one way or another. By the end of the week, I will hopefully have two more fan letters written asking Michael Emerson and Sam Anderson if they can help me out with the autographs. I’m trying to avoid having my poster sent all the way over to Hawaii to get this done. I’ve got family there, but let’s face it. It’d be soooooo much cooler to meet everyone in person and actually get to talk to them.
Again, if any of you have any tips or leads or might know anybody that works on the set, please, please, please let me know. Season six hasn’t even started yet, but I’m so close to getting this poster signed. Maybe I can get some of the autographs on video. In which case, I’ll put together a short film about my mission. Until then, wish me luck, everyone!
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