I think it’s safe to say that Jorge Garcia won’t be reading this blog again anytime soon. And, let me be the first to say, that I wouldn’t blame him. I screwed up the first time around and it bummed me out to the point that I considered scrapping the entire mission altogether. But, I assure you, that is not the case. I set out to do something that I thought was an impossible task to accomplish, and I intend to see it through.
Things are in the air right now as far getting anyone to sign the poster after that little snafu that I caused a while back. Essentially, I’m back to square one. I’m familiar with square one. If, by some off chance, Jorge does read this, I hope he knows that I wasn’t trying to put anyone in hot water. I misread his note and took it a step too far. I still think he’s the nicest guy to answer back, but I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t respond back to my apology.
With the encouragement of family, friends, and a bunch of fellow Lost bloggers, I’ve decided to push forward and send out the poster to Hawaii anyway. My sister asked me what were to happen if I didn’t get any signatures on the poster. And that’s when I realized that I would probably just let it collect dust in my closet. I wouldn’t hang it up on the wall unless it’s got at least one cast member on it.
So what’s the worst that could happen? I may never see the poster again. But since I’m in a situation where I have no idea whether or not I will get anybody to sign, I’ve really got nothing left to lose. And I’ve got to confess that I’m a sucker for the good side of people. I still have some faith that someone out there will help me out with this mission. Maybe it’ll be Jorge (that’s a BIG ‘maybe’), maybe it’ll be an intern who needed something to do, but I will get someone to sign that poster.
Once I figure out the postage, I’ll send the poster over to Grass Skirt Productions and play the waiting game. I’ll post up more stories on here so this blog doesn’t collect too much dust. My next update for the Lost Mission will be on September 22, 2009. And any Lost fan can tell you why I chose that date.
I'll sign your poster! Lol. Good for you for still trying!